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Supported by improved earnings outlook, as well as reduced macro uncertainty amid evidence that inflation has not become entrenched, valuation of the equity market has expanded recently.

In fact, there is a significant disparity between the growth of the economy and the development of the stock market.

Rollercoaster year for Quality in Switzerland

La Chine est de loin le plus grand créancier des Etats-Unis, derrière le Japon.

It is a basic psychological need to 'be good' and to receive praise, especially when effort is involved. This trend is further reinforced by regulators who formally define who is considered 'good.'

Semiconductor industry is a tricky one, mainly because there is likely no other space that has been exhibiting such distinctive up and down-cycle pattern over the years.

Together, Diego Föllmi and Claudia Menzl look back on the year 2023, which is gradually drawing to a close.

Japanese companies have always had a flair of mystery surrounding them. Perhaps this is a cultural thing of certain seclusion from the rest of the world, or a result of a language barrier as English is not so widespread in the country of the Rising Sun.

It is a basic psychological need to 'be good' and to receive praise, especially when effort is involved. This trend is further reinforced by regulators who formally define who is considered 'good.'

There are likely just few people out there that would not recognize signature blue color of the world- famous Nivea brand.

Let us introduce you to an unusual, in a conventional sense, Healthcare company whose patients are not people, but...animals.

Dramatic 2022 2022 was a shock year not only for equity investors but also bondholders, as the usual low correlation between the …

Given that this year is clearly dominated by the news over progress and developments in the space of Artificial Intelligence, and we …

According to Morgan Stanley, obesity market is expected to reach $54 bn by 2030 globally, with US as a largest one. This …

With growing awareness of environmental issues, many asset owners are seeking ways to align their investments with sustainability themes. But what exactly does it mean – to invest sustainably?

Oliver Heer Ocean Racing's #RaceForChange sailing campaign marked the start of a captivating collaboration between HQAM and OHOR.

It is a basic psychological need to 'be good' and to receive praise, especially when effort is involved. This trend is further reinforced by regulators who formally define who is considered 'good.'

Recognized country winners obviously have stellar fundamental characteristics, but does the market see and admire it, too? We have compared each country winner with the relevant regional equity benchmark.

Since the Corona sell-off in March 2020, share prices worldwide have risen much faster than corporate profits. This is putting particular pressure …

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