



Fixed income solutions

Our fixed income solutions are the ideal addition to your portfolio

Our fixed income solutions represent our quality-driven approach in its purest form. These investment solutions are designed to provide long-term stability and steady income while reflecting the principles of corporate excellence.


We carefully select our fixed income investments that meet our high quality standards and offer an optimal balance between risk and return. Through a comprehensive analysis of credit quality, interest rate risk and other relevant factors, we ensure that our fixed income investment solutions meet strict quality and stability requirements. We follow a transparent and disciplined approach to provide our clients with outstanding investment results based on solid fundamentals.

as of 28.02.2025

Quality Corporate Bonds EUR Zertifikat
Bloomberg Euro Aggregate TR Value Index
Quality Corporate Bonds EUR Zertifikat Bloomberg Euro Aggregate TR Value Index
YTD Quality Corporate Bonds EUR Zertifikat 1.16 % Bloomberg Euro Aggregate TR Value Index0.66 %
1 Year Quality Corporate Bonds EUR Zertifikat 5.48 % Bloomberg Euro Aggregate TR Value Index5.08 %
Since Inception p.a. Quality Corporate Bonds EUR Zertifikat 3.97 % Bloomberg Euro Aggregate TR Value Index4.68 %

The HQAM Quality Corporate Bonds EUR certificate invests in EUR-denominated investment-grade bonds that offer an attractive yield and are backed by a high-quality borrower. The quality of the companies is determined on the basis of the proven HQAM Quality criteria. The term of the bonds is adjusted to the current market situation and market assessment.

as of 28.02.2025

Quality Corporate Bonds USD Index
Bloomberg US Aggregate TR Value Index
Quality Corporate Bonds USD Index Bloomberg US Aggregate TR Value Index
YTD Quality Corporate Bonds USD Index2.07 % Bloomberg US Aggregate TR Value Index2.74 %
1 Year Quality Corporate Bonds USD Index6.39 % Bloomberg US Aggregate TR Value Index5.97 %
Since Inception p.a. Quality Corporate Bonds USD Index5 % Bloomberg US Aggregate TR Value Index4.46 %

The HQAM Quality Corporate Bonds USD certificate invests in USD-denominated investment-grade bonds that offer an attractive yield and are backed by a high-quality borrower. The quality of the companies is determined on the basis of the proven HQAM Quality criteria. The term of the bonds is adjusted to the current market situation and market assessment.

as of 30.09.2024

Hérens Quality P2P Fond - Tranche I
Hérens Quality P2P Fond - Tranche I
YTD Hérens Quality P2P Fond - Tranche I0.63 %
1 Year Hérens Quality P2P Fond - Tranche I1.83 %
3 Year p.a. Hérens Quality P2P Fond - Tranche I1.35 %
5 Year p.a. Hérens Quality P2P Fond - Tranche I2.02 %
Since Inception p.a. Hérens Quality P2P Fond - Tranche I2.03 %

The Quality P2P Fund invests in loans to Swiss SMEs and private individuals that are offered on peer-to-peer lending platforms. The platforms evaluate the borrowers, assign a credit rating and manage the entire loan administration. The Quality P2P Fund builds up a portfolio diversified across rating levels and loan types from the loans offered. Loans are selected on the basis of predefined parameters such as interest rate, term, rating level, loan amount and type of borrower. The main investment risk is losses due to the insolvency of individual debtors. In order to avoid cluster risks, the portfolio is diversified as widely as possible.

Coupons are reinvested; without management fees. YTD Performance is calculated provisionally as of the end of the period and may experience adjustments due to retrospective coupons bookings.


The quality investment style focuses on selecting companies that are considered high quality in terms of their fundamentals and competitive position. In contrast to the value investment style, which looks for undervalued stocks with low price/earnings ratios, and the growth investment style, which focuses on companies with high growth potential, the quality investment style prioritises financial stability, solid business models and consistent earnings and cash flow generation. Quality investors look for companies that demonstrate sustainable growth and resilience, even in uncertain market conditions, and place particular emphasis on strong governance and ethical business practices. Yes, we apply the same quality criteria to all regions because we have a bottom-up approach and it does not matter which country or industry the companies come from. These uniform criteria enable us to include the best quality companies worldwide in our portfolio and ensure long-term growth and stability for our investors. The HQAM Quality investment style has a stand-alone performance and risk character and is independent from Value and Growth.

Yes, we apply the same quality criteria to all regions because we have a bottom-up approach and it does not matter which country or industry the companies come from. Our quality investment style is based on a comprehensive analysis of companies’ fundamentals, financial strength, competitive position, governance and ethical business practices, regardless of their location or industry. These uniform criteria enable us to include the best quality companies worldwide in our portfolios and ensure long-term growth and stability for our investors.

Quality stocks tend to have a more stable behavior in upward and downward phases compared to other types of stocks. In upward phases of the market, quality stocks often benefit from their financial strength, solid business models and sustainable growth prospects. As they are typically well-positioned to gain market share and outperform competitors, they can generate above-average returns.

In downturns, on the other hand, quality stocks usually offer a degree of security and resilience, as their stable business models and consistent cash flow generation make them less vulnerable to economic turbulence. Investors tend to focus more on quality stocks in uncertain times, as these can be seen as a safe haven.

It is important to note that no asset class is immune to market fluctuations, and even quality stocks experience losses in certain market conditions. Nevertheless, historical performance shows that quality stocks tend to deliver more robust total returns over time and may have lower volatility than other types of stocks. Investors who value stability and long-term growth may find quality stocks a useful addition to their portfolios.

Thanks to our research, we cover most regions of the world with our equity and bond solutions. However, if a client wants to cover other asset classes, such as real estate or commodities, we can use third-party products if necessary.

No, our investment process, which takes place monthly, does not mean that investments and changes are only made once a month. In fact, all companies in our portfolios are monitored on an ongoing basis, and the Investment Committee also meets ad hoc to make decisions when the situation calls for it. Investments can therefore be made throughout the month and adjustments to the portfolios are not limited to a single point in time. Rather, the monthly meetings serve to make a comprehensive assessment of the existing positions, analyse new potential investments and, if necessary, decide on strategic adjustments to optimise the portfolio in the long term. This regular process enables us to react flexibly to changing market conditions. It is important to note, however, that changes to portfolio compositions are rarely made outside of the investment rhythm.

Anyone can invest in our publicly traded funds and certificates by purchasing them through their respective custodian bank. Both private and institutional investors have access to our products and can buy them to benefit from our investment strategies. In addition, we offer the option of an asset management mandate, where more attractive conditions can be offered under certain circumstances. Whether private individuals, family offices, companies, or institutional investors – our products and asset management services are open to all interested investors. Our expertise and focus on quality enable us to offer tailor-made solutions for different investment needs and provide our clients with a diversified and successful portfolio over the long term.

HQAM currently works with more than 20 custodian banks. However, as an independent asset manager, we are open to new partnerships and willing to cooperate with new custodian banks if it suits the wishes and needs of our clients. We always strive to offer our customers the best possible solutions and are open to a wide range of cooperation options to meet their individual requirements. Our many years of experience and our network enable us to find flexible and tailor-made solutions for our clients, regardless of which custodian bank they wish to work with.

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