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FONDSNET | May 2022There are a handful of systematic investment concepts that have become established over the past few decades and have …

Due to the current market turmoil, we decided to discuss it in a short video. In the first edition of the Market …

Investors’ dilemma As long-term investors, we do not make asset allocation decisions lightly: we follow a disciplined procedure, and any buy call …

Fundamentals are back in focus Recently, a note from Morgan Stanley, which found that the gap between reported earnings and cash flow …

A big bad wolf The only thing investors are dreading more than inflation is stagflation – a rather rare set-up in the …

Quality in the current market Inflation and higher interest rates are currently the focus of investors and have led to a shift …

Unlucky combination Start of 2022 was quite rough causing stress to many investors, particularly if they had a growth tilt in their …

Attractively-valued quality companies have tended to face a headwind since Autumn 2021. In terms of time horizon and regions, the headwind was …

2021 was another peculiar year, not nearly as wild as its predecessor, but it nevertheless required investors to stay alert, sharp, and …

Approaches based on modern portfolio theory (MPT) have dominated the financial industry for 60 years. Thinking in terms of factors such as …

In the last two decades, China has been recognized as the country where the “American Dream” could be realized. Many companies from …

Never put all of your eggs in one basket…but how big should the basket be? It will unlikely come as a surprise …

September 2021 | B2B | Diego Föllmi Japan may seem an unusual country in which to target investment returns. However, we would …

Social networks superpower May 13, 2019, turned out to be quite nervous for many UK’s Metro Bank’s clients who rushed to withdraw …

Michael Griesdorf | the Market NZZ Covid-19 has led to a flight to quality stocks. However, names such as Sika and Ems-Chemie …

Too much of ESG? Last month, former head of the board of governors at the Japanese Government Pension Fund, the largest retirement …

Finally, the time of value investors has come as after many years of surrendering to growth, value outperformed globally thanks to the …

Since 2008, Swiss asset manager Herens Quality Asset Management has presented its annual Quality Corporate Excellence Awards. With these awards, the asset …

The asset manager Hérens Quality Asset Management has presented its list of the world’s best stocks. BÖRSE ONLINE has filtered out six …

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