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Structural differences between the two markets are a key reason behind the performance gap.

The past year saw remarkable performance, particularly driven by the US market and its growth segment, which delivered exceptional results.

Why do some companies face dramatic stock plunges after positive earnings surprises, while others barely flinch despite declining performance?

Being a professional sailor goes beyond just racing faster than the competition.

Nestlé’s returns have underperformed the MSCI World Index by 44% over the past two years, leading to CEO Mark Schneider’s recent exit.

Global equity markets hate uncertainty – they thrive on predictability, and when that predictability is compromised they tend to react negatively primarily because it increases risk for investors.

Sustainability is a significant term, often carrying only superficial meanings for many.

Being a professional sailor goes beyond just racing faster than the competition.

When it comes to brand positioning, uncompromised integrity that spans across decades is something that all quality luxury companies share.

The Vendée Globe, the ultimate challenge in competitive offshore sailing, kicks off on November 10th. This iconic race features solo sailors navigating …

The impact of U.S. presidential elections on the markets is often debated in the lead-up to the vote.

It may appear that ESG investments are losing momentum, as the trend has slowed down, as shown by the inflows into ESG funds.

When it comes to brand positioning, uncompromised integrity that spans across decades is something that all quality luxury companies share.

One factor that is often forgotten when investing in stock is time. Equities have by far the best performance characteristics, both in the medium and over the long term.

In this summer edition of the Market Update, Diego Föllmi and Claudia Menzl provide a retrospective and outlook for the year 2024.

Supported by improved earnings outlook, as well as reduced macro uncertainty amid evidence that inflation has not become entrenched, valuation of the equity market has expanded recently.

Supported by improved earnings outlook, as well as reduced macro uncertainty amid evidence that inflation has not become entrenched, valuation of the equity market has expanded recently.

Supported by improved earnings outlook, as well as reduced macro uncertainty amid evidence that inflation has not become entrenched, valuation of the equity market has expanded recently.

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